Saturday, November 22, 2008


Quick update: This morning I got up and there was a nice fish dinner, that I think the girlfriend (or whoever) made. As you can tell, Turay doesn't really explain much -- most of our conversations start with "What is your program for today?" and don't go much further than that. But at least I had a real meal for the first time in 3 days.

This morning was the first time I've actually considered just packing up and coming home. I'm not really that depressed, but it did cross my mind. Actually, the past couple days is when we ran out of coffee, so maybe I just need some caffeine -- I get mopey when I don't have my caffeine. I'll have to go and find some Nescafe.

I guess today we're going to talk with someone who Turay mentioned before, but Turay's accent is more difficult than almost everyone else around here -- he's from Sierra Lione, and everyone else is, duh, from Cameroon -- so I can't really tell. I had been planning on just walking around and thinking about what I should be doing, but I suppose actually doing something would be better.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear things are rough over there but I'm glad you confronted Turay over the food/money thing. Any other expats around? Other NGOs that you can lean on for resources for the goals over there? And any chance of eating something other than fish and plantains with rice?? :)

nikkib said...

we should go to la habana when you get back - thoughts;)