Friday, November 21, 2008

A quick update

Hello readers! Not really much to say today, but I'm at the internet cafe, so might as well type up something. Turay has taken when I said about not having any money for SDI to heart, which means that rather than having 3 meals a day, now there is some plain white rice for dinner and that's it. Sigh. Now I need to explain to him that I already paid for food, and it's not just one meal of white rice a day.

I don't think an ATM exists in Buea, so I think I'm going out town tomorrow to get some money. Right now I have a bit less than $5 in my pocket, which should be enough to get me to Limbe. I might just stay there Saturday night and come back on Sunday -- I don't know much about Limbe, so might be interesting.

Oh, Turay gave me one of his mobile phones. I have no cash available to add credit, but if it works the same as western phones, I should be able to receive calls without paying. The number is +237 7450 5791.

Life is pretty relaxing right now since Turay does nothing with SDI other than checking the web page to see if there are any new grants. And since there is no money he can't really argue that I'm not doing much either. Yesterday I did meet with a group of rural women and we talked about some of their issues. It sounds like they have some issues with lack of credit, which microcredit institutions should help. I'm finding out these orgs exist right now, so I need to figure out why they aren't helping enough women -- perhaps lack of funding?

Oh, so I figured out how to get free internet too :-) The place I normally go to is supposed to require this little program to run while you're connected, and when it's running you can't do anything unless you're logged in. Well, if I unplug the internet connection then the program allows me to kill it, but I'm still connected! Once in awhile I actually connect and spend some of my credits so that it's not too suspicious -- if you can imagine, I kind of stick out in a group. I know, I come to internet to help people but I'm "stealing" internet. Oh well, that's life.

Man, I could go for some pizza!


nikkib said...


Unknown said...

It's a program so that you can talk over the internet. But I guess it's still 25 cents a minute, so I don't know how that compares with a regular phone.